
Multivector types


Supertype of all elements in the geometric algebra defined by the metric signature Sig.


            /               \
BasisBlade{Sig,K,T}   Multivector{Sig,K,S}
  • BasisBlade: a scalar multiple of a wedge product of orthogonal basis vectors.
  • Multivector: a homogeneous or inhomogeneous multivector; a sum of basis blades.

A basis blade of grade K and scalar coefficient of type T.

Basis blades are scalar multiples of wedge products of orthogonal basis vectors.


Not every $k$-blade (i.e., wedge product of $k$ linearly independent vectors) is representable as a BasisBlade. However, every $k$-blade is a Multivector of grade k.


  • Sig: Metric signature defining the geometric algebra, retrieved with signature().
  • K::Int: Grade of the blade, equal to count_ones(bits), retrieved with grade().
  • T: Numerical type of the scalar coefficient, retrieved with eltype().
BasisBlade{Sig}(bits, coeff)

Basis blade with indices encoded by bits and scalar coefficient coeff.

Indices are encoded in binary (e.g., $v₁∧v₃∧v₄$ has bits 0b1101).


julia> BasisBlade{3}(42, 0b110) # a grade 2 blade in 3 dimensions
BasisBlade{3, 2, Int64}:
 42 v23
Multivector{Sig,K,S} <: AbstractMultivector{Sig}

A general multivector with parts of grade ∈ K.

For homogeneous k-vectors, the grade parameter K is an integer. Inhomogeneous multivectors may be specified with a range or tuple of grades.


  • Sig: Metric signature defining the geometric algebra, retrieved with signature().
  • K: Grade(s) present in the multivector. Can be an integer or a collection of integers (a range or tuple).
  • S: Storage type of the multivector components, usually a subtype of AbstractVector.

Multivector with grade(s) K and component vector comps.

Components are ordered first by grade, then lexicographically by bits (see componentbits).


julia> Multivector{3,0:3}(1:2^3)
8-component Multivector{3, 0:3, UnitRange{Int64}}:
 2 v1 + 3 v2 + 4 v3
 5 v12 + 6 v13 + 7 v23
 8 v123

julia> grade(ans, 1)
3-component Multivector{3, 1, UnitRange{Int64}}:
 2 v1
 3 v2
 4 v3
zero(::Type{Multivector{Sig,K}}, [T])

Multivector of metric signature Sig and grade(s) K with components all equal to zero. If specified, the components array is of type S, or is the default array type with element type T.

componentindex(a::Multivector, b::Union{Unsigned,BasisBlade})

Index of the component of a.comps which corresponds to the basis blade b.


The dimension of the underlying vector space of the geometric algebra. See ncomponents for the dimension of the algebra (i.e., the number of independent components of a general multivector).


Grade or grades present in a multivector a.

The grade of a BasisBlade{Sig,K} or Multivector{Sig,K} is the second type parameter, K. In the case of a multivector, K may be an integer (if it is homogeneous) or a collection (a range or tuple of grades).

See also ishomogeneous.


Whether the only non-zero part of a multivector is its scalar part; a == scalar(a).

resulting_multivector_type(f, a, b, ...)

Return a Multivector{Sig,K,S} type with parameters (signature Sig, grade(s) K and storage type S) appropriate for representing the result of f(a, b).

Calls resulting_grades(f, dimension(Sig), grade(a), grade(b), ...) to determine K.

signature(::AbstractMultivector{Sig}) = Sig

The metric signature type parameter of the multivector instance (or type).

Multivector operations


Reversion of a multivector.

Reversion is an anti-automorphism defined by reversing the order of the geometric product: ~(a*b) == ~b * ~a. For a k-vector a, the reversion is reversion_sign(k)*a where the sign is given by $(-1)^{k(k - 1)/2}$.

See also involution and clifford_conj.


Clifford conjugate of a multivector.

Equivalent to reversion(involution(a)).

a ∧ b
wedge(a, b)

Wedge product of multivectors (a.k.a. the outer, exterior, progressive or alternating product, or join).

This is a grade-raising operation, equivalent to graded_prod(+, a, b). If a and b are of grades $p$ and $q$ respectively, then a ∧ b is defined as the grade $p + q$ part of a*b.

a ∨ b
antiwedge(a, b)

Anti-wedge product of multivectors (a.k.a. the regressive product or meet).

The anti-wedge product satisfies

\[D(a ∨ b) = (D a) ∧ (D b)\]

where $D$ is a duality operation such as ldual, rdual or, if $I^2 ≠ 0$, hodgedual.

The anti-wedge product is metric independent like the wedge product, but does depend on the choice of orientation (the ordering of basis vectors).

a ⊙ b
scalar_prod(a, b) -> Number

Scalar part of the geometric product a*b.

a ⋅ b
inner(a, b)

Inner product of multivectors.

This is a grade lowering operation, equivalent to graded_prod(abs∘-, a, b). If a and b are of grades $p$ and $q$ respectively, then a ⋅ b is defined as the grade $|p - q|$ part of a*b.

Note that for scalars a and b, the inner product reduces to scalar multiplication, in contrast to some authors (see [1] for discussion).

See also lcontract and rcontract.

add!(a::Multivector, b::Blade)
add!(a::Multivector, bits, coeff)

Add the blade coefficient to the corresponding component of a multivector, if the multivector has such a component.


If the multivector cannot represent components of the required grade, it is returned unmodified.

This mutates and returns a if it is a mutable type, otherwise it returns a new multivector of identical type. (Thus, the blade coefficient must be convertible to the multivector’s eltype.)

a ∨ b
antiwedge(a, b)

Anti-wedge product of multivectors (a.k.a. the regressive product or meet).

The anti-wedge product satisfies

\[D(a ∨ b) = (D a) ∧ (D b)\]

where $D$ is a duality operation such as ldual, rdual or, if $I^2 ≠ 0$, hodgedual.

The anti-wedge product is metric independent like the wedge product, but does depend on the choice of orientation (the ordering of basis vectors).


A dual of a multivector, for when the overall sign isn’t important.

For a unit a::BasisBlade, the flipdual satisfies a*flipdual(a) == ±I where ±I is the unit pseudoscalar or its negative.

The flipdual is cheap to compute and is its own inverse. It simply flips the bits of a BasisBlade, or reverses the components vector of a Multivector.

The flipdual is metric independent (but depends on a choice of orientation, or the order of basis vectors).

See also hodgedual.

graded_prod(grade_selector::Function, a, b)

A grade-filtered product of multivectors.

Terms of the geometric product a*b are filtered according to grade_selector. For instance, if grade(a) == p and grade(b) == q, then graded_prod(f, a, b) is the grade f(p, q) part of a*b. The extends linearly to general multivectors $A$ and $B$ as

\[ (A, B) ↦ \sum_{p,q} ⟨⟨A⟩_p ⟨B⟩_q⟩_{f(p, q)}\]

where $⟨⋅⟩_k$ denotes the grade $k$ part.

The wedge $∧$, inner $⋅$ and contraction products are special cases of this product. For example, the wedge product is defined as:

wedge(a, b) = graded_prod(+, a, b)
hodgedual(a) = ~a*I

Hodge dual of a multivector.

The Hodge dual is defined by

\[H(a) = ã I\]

where $ã$ is the reversion of $a$ and $I$ is the unit pseudoscalar. For $k$-vectors $a$ and $b$, it is alternatively defined by

\[a ∧ H(b) = ⟨a, b⟩ I\]

where $⟨a, b⟩ = a ⊙ b̃$ is the induced inner product on $k$-vectors.

The Hodge dual is metric dependent, since it involves multiplication by I.

See also invhodgedual and ldual, rdual.


julia> u = Multivector{3,1}(1:3)
3-component Multivector{3, 1, UnitRange{Int64}}:
 1 v1
 2 v2
 3 v3

julia> hodgedual(u)
3-component Multivector{3, 2, MVector{3, Int64}}:
  3 v12
 -2 v13
  1 v23
a ⋅ b
inner(a, b)

Inner product of multivectors.

This is a grade lowering operation, equivalent to graded_prod(abs∘-, a, b). If a and b are of grades $p$ and $q$ respectively, then a ⋅ b is defined as the grade $|p - q|$ part of a*b.

Note that for scalars a and b, the inner product reduces to scalar multiplication, in contrast to some authors (see [1] for discussion).

See also lcontract and rcontract.


Inverse of the multivector Hodge dual.

In degenerate algebras (for which $I^2 = 0$), the Hodge dual is not invertible. However, if a is a basis blade with a non-zero Hodge dual, then invhodgedual(hodgedual(a)) == a holds.

See also hodgedual.


Involute of a multivector.

Involution is an automorphism defined by reflecting through the origin: for homogeneous multivectors, involution(a) == (-1)^grade(a)*a.

See also reversion and clifford_conj.


Left and right multivector duals (a.k.a., complements). The right dual is also called the Poincaré dual.

For a unit basis blade a, the duals satisfy a*rdual(a) == I == ldual(a)*a where I is the unit pseudoscalar. If dimension(a) is odd, rdual and ldual are identical and self-inverse; in general, they are inverses of each other.

The left and right duals are metric independent (but depend on a choice of orientation, or the order of basis vectors). This makes them useful in degenerate algebras where I^2 == 0, since a non-zero multivector always has a non-zero dual, even if its Hodge dual is zero.

See also hodgedual.

outermorphism(mat, a)

Outermorphism of the multivector a specified by the matrix mat.

If $f$ is a linear map, then the outermorphism $f̲$ is a linear map satisfying $f̲(𝒖) = f(𝒖)$ on vectors $𝒖$ and $f̲(a ∧ b) = f̲(a) ∧ f̲(b)$ on general multivectors.


Left and right multivector duals (a.k.a., complements). The right dual is also called the Poincaré dual.

For a unit basis blade a, the duals satisfy a*rdual(a) == I == ldual(a)*a where I is the unit pseudoscalar. If dimension(a) is odd, rdual and ldual are identical and self-inverse; in general, they are inverses of each other.

The left and right duals are metric independent (but depend on a choice of orientation, or the order of basis vectors). This makes them useful in degenerate algebras where I^2 == 0, since a non-zero multivector always has a non-zero dual, even if its Hodge dual is zero.

See also hodgedual.


Reversion of a multivector.

Reversion is an anti-automorphism defined by reversing the order of the geometric product: ~(a*b) == ~b * ~a. For a k-vector a, the reversion is reversion_sign(k)*a where the sign is given by $(-1)^{k(k - 1)/2}$.

See also involution and clifford_conj.

a ∧ b
wedge(a, b)

Wedge product of multivectors (a.k.a. the outer, exterior, progressive or alternating product, or join).

This is a grade-raising operation, equivalent to graded_prod(+, a, b). If a and b are of grades $p$ and $q$ respectively, then a ∧ b is defined as the grade $p + q$ part of a*b.


Inverse of a multivector using the Faddeev–LeVerrier algorithm [1].

This algorithm requires $2^{d - 1}$ many geometric multiplications, where $d$ is the dimension of the algebra.

matrix_repr(a::AbstractMultivector, k=0:dim)

Matrix representation of the grade k parts of a multivector.

By default, the full $2^d × 2^d$ linear representation is used in $d$ dimensions. Smaller representations can be used for elements in

  • the even subalgebra, k=0:2:dim
  • the scalar-pseudoscalar subalgebra, k=(0, dim)

by restricting k to those grades.


julia> @basis 2
[ Info: Defined basis blades v1, v2, v12, I in Main

julia> matrix_repr(1 + 7v12)
4×4 Matrix{Int64}:
 1   0  0  -7
 0   1  7   0
 0  -7  1   0
 7   0  0   1

julia> matrix_repr(1 + 7v12, (0, 2))
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  -7
 7   1

julia> matrix_repr(v1*v2) == matrix_repr(v1)matrix_repr(v2)

Tries to convert a complex-valued Multivector into an equivalent real one, returning the original multivector if it failed.

If an algebra $G$ has a commuting pseudoscalar squaring to $-1$, then there is a canonical map $G ⊗ ℂ ↦ G$ from the complexified algebra into itself given my sending the imaginary unit to the pseudoscalar.

Metric Signatures

Cl(p, q=0, r=0)

Metric signature where p, q and r are the number of basis vectors of norm +1, -1 and 0, respectively.


julia> basis(Cl(1,3))
4-element Vector{BasisBlade{Cl(1,3), 1, Int64}}:
 1 v1
 1 v2
 1 v3
 1 v4

julia> ans .^ 2
4-element Vector{BasisBlade{Cl(1,3), 0, Int64}}:
Cl(sig::String) -> Tuple

Shorthand for a tuple specifying a metric signature, e.g., Cl("-+++") === (-1, +1, +1, +1). String may contain '+', '-' and '0'.

For readability, AbstractMultivector types with a tuple metric signature display the signature as Cl("...").


julia> Cl("+++") # 3D Euclidean metric signature
(1, 1, 1)

julia> basis(ans)
3-element Vector{BasisBlade{Cl("+++"), 1, Int64}}:
 1 v1
 1 v2
 1 v3

julia> Multivector{(0,-1,1,1,1),2}
Multivector{Cl("0-+++"), 2} (pretty-printed Multivector{(0, -1, 1, 1, 1), 2})

Canonical tuple representation of a metric signature.


julia> Cl(1,3)
Cl(1,3) (pretty-printed Cl{1, 3, 0}())

julia> GeometricAlgebra.canonicalize_signature(ans)
(1, -1, -1, -1)
cayleytable(sig, op=*)
cayleytable(objs, op=*)

Display a multivector multiplication table.

The first argument may be a metric signature or any vector of objects which can be combined with the binary operator op.

The keyword argument title sets the contents of the top-left cell.


julia> cayleytable(3)
 (↓) * (→) │    1 │   v1     v2    v3 │  v12    v13   v23 │ v123
         1 │    1 │   v1     v2    v3 │  v12    v13   v23 │ v123
        v1 │   v1 │    1    v12   v13 │   v2     v3  v123 │  v23
        v2 │   v2 │ -v12      1   v23 │  -v1  -v123    v3 │ -v13
        v3 │   v3 │ -v13   -v23     1 │ v123    -v1   -v2 │  v12
       v12 │  v12 │  -v2     v1  v123 │   -1   -v23   v13 │  -v3
       v13 │  v13 │  -v3  -v123    v1 │  v23     -1  -v12 │   v2
       v23 │  v23 │ v123    -v3    v2 │ -v13    v12    -1 │  -v1
      v123 │ v123 │  v23   -v13   v12 │  -v3     v2   -v1 │   -1

julia> cayleytable(basis((t=-1, x=1, y=1, z=1), 2), ∧)
 (↓) ∧ (→) │   tx     ty    xy    tz     xz    yz
        tx │    0      0     0     0      0  txyz
        ty │    0      0     0     0  -txyz     0
        xy │    0      0     0  txyz      0     0
        tz │    0      0  txyz     0      0     0
        xz │    0  -txyz     0     0      0     0
        yz │ txyz      0     0     0      0     0
componentstype(sig, N) -> Type{<:AbstractVector}

The component array type for N-component multivectors with signature sig.

You can redefine this method to customise the default array type. The fallback method returns MVector{N} for N <= 16, and Vector otherwise.

ncomponents(sig) = 2^dimension(sig)
ncomponents(sig, k) = binomial(dimension(sig), k)

Dimension of (the grade-k subspace of) the geometric algebra of metric signature sig, viewed as a vector space.

If the dimension of the underlying vector space (see dimension) in $n$, then the algebra is $2^n$-dimensional, and its grade-$k$ subspace $\binom{n}{k}$-dimensional.

show_basis_blade(io, sig, indices::Vector{Int})

Show the basis blade $𝒗_{i₁}⋯𝒗_{iₖ}$ with each $iⱼ$ in indices in the geometric algebra defined by sig. Methods dispatching on sig should be added to customise basis blade labels for particular algebras.


julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_basis_blade(stdout, (1, 1, 1), [1, 3])

julia> using GeometricAlgebra: subscript

julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_basis_blade(io, sig, indices) = print(io, join("𝒆".*subscript.(indices), "∧"))

julia> prod(basis(4))
BasisBlade{⟨++++⟩, 4, Int64} of grade 4:
 1 𝒆₁∧𝒆₂∧𝒆₃∧𝒆₄
show_signature(io, sig)

Pretty-print the metric signature sig.

This is used to display the metric signature type parameter in AbstractMultivector subtypes to reduce visual noise. Methods may optionally be added for user-defined metric signatures, in a similar fashion to


julia> sig = (+1,-1,-1,-1)
(1, -1, -1, -1)

julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_signature(stdout, sig)

julia> BasisBlade{sig}
BasisBlade{Cl("+---")} (pretty-printed BasisBlade{(1, -1, -1, -1)})

A dictionary specifying the BasisDisplayStyle to use for each metric signature key.

The style for the key sig must have the same dimension as sig.

To use the default display style, remove the entry for sig with delete!(GeometricAlgebra.BASIS_DISPLAY_STYLES, sig) or remove all with empty!.

BasisDisplayStyle(dim, blades[, blade_order]; kwargs...)
BasisDisplayStyle(dim, blades_and_order; kwargs...)

Specifies how basis blades are displayed and ordered. The default style for multivectors of metric signature sig can be set with GeometricAlgebra.BASIS_DISPLAY_STYLES[sig] = style.

  • dim::Int is the dimension of the algebra (number of basis vectors).
  • blades::Dict{UInt,Vector{Int}} encodes the order of basis vectors in basis blades. E.g., 0b101 => [1, 3] is the default style.
  • blade_order::Dict{Int,Vector{UInt}} specifies the order of basis blades in a single grade. E.g., 3 => [0b011, 0b101, 0b110] is the default ordering.
  • blades_and_order::Dict{Int,Vector{Int}} gives a way of specifying the previous two mappings at once. E.g., 3 => [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]].

Keyword arguments

  • indices=1:dim specifies the symbols used for each basis vector.
  • prefix="v" is the prefix string for basis blades (if sep == nothing) or for each basis vector.
  • sep=nothing is a string (e.g., "∧") to separate each basis vector in a blade. If sep is nothing, blades are shown as e.g., v123, whereas an empty string results in v1v2v3.
  • labels is a dictionary allowing individual basis blades to be given custom labels. E.g., [3,2] => "𝒊" means 4v32 is displayed as 4𝒊 (so long as the order 0b110 => [3,2] is also specified in the blades argument — otherwise it would display as the default -4v23).

BasisDisplayStyle only affects how multivectors are displayed. The actual internal layout of multivectors is never affected. However, the active style for sig can affect the value of basis(sig).


julia> Multivector{Cl(0,3),2}([3, -2, 1])
3-component Multivector{Cl(0,3), 2, Vector{Int64}}:
  3 v12
 -2 v13
  1 v23

julia> cyclical_style = BasisDisplayStyle(
           3, Dict(2 => [[2,3], [3,1], [1,2]]);
           indices = "₁₂₃",
           prefix = "e",
           sep = "",
           labels = Dict([1,2,3] => "I"),

julia> GeometricAlgebra.BASIS_DISPLAY_STYLES[Cl(0,3)] = cyclical_style;

julia> Multivector{Cl(0,3),2}([3, -2, 1])
3-component Multivector{Cl(0,3), 2, Vector{Int64}}:
 1 e₂e₃
 2 e₃e₁
 3 e₁e₂

julia> ans*rdual(ans) # pseudoscalar `e₁e₂e₃` displayed as `I`
4-component Multivector{Cl(0,3), 1:2:3, MVector{4, Int64}}:
 14 I

To recover the default style:

julia> delete!(GeometricAlgebra.BASIS_DISPLAY_STYLES, Cl(0,3))
IdDict{Any, BasisDisplayStyle}() 
basis(sig, k=1)

Vector of BasisBlades of specified grade(s) k for the geometric algebra defined by the metric signature sig. The value k=:all is a shortcut for 0:dimension(sig).

The particular basis blades returned by basis and their order reflects the signature’s BasisDisplayStyle. You can guarantee the default style by using

	BasisBlade{sig}.(1, componentbits(dimension(sig), k))

instead of basis(sig, k).

See also @basis.


julia> basis(3)
3-element Vector{BasisBlade{3, 1, Int64}}:
 1 v1
 1 v2
 1 v3

julia> basis("-+++", 0:2:4)
8-element Vector{BasisBlade{Cl("-+++"), _A, Int64} where _A}:
 1 v12
 1 v13
 1 v23
 1 v14
 1 v24
 1 v34
 1 v1234

julia> basis(Cl(1,3), :all) |> sum
16-component Multivector{Cl(1,3), 0:4, MVector{16, Int64}}:
 1 v1 + 1 v2 + 1 v3 + 1 v4
 1 v12 + 1 v13 + 1 v23 + 1 v14 + 1 v24 + 1 v34
 1 v123 + 1 v124 + 1 v134 + 1 v234
 1 v1234

Create a generator which iterates over basis elements of the given multivector type.


julia> basis(Multivector{3,1}) |> collect
3-element Vector{Multivector{3, 1, MVector{3, Int64}}}:

julia> basis(Multivector{2,0:2,Vector{Bool}}) |> collect
4-element Vector{Multivector{2, 0:2, Vector{Bool}}}:
@basis sig grades=:all scalar=false pseudoscalar=:I allperms=false prefix=nothing

Populate namespace with basis blades for the geometric algebra defined by metric signature sig.

Variable names are generated with show_basis_blade().

Keyword arguments

  • grades: which grades to define basis blades for (default :all).
  • scalar: whether to include the unit scalar blade (e.g., v).
  • pseudoscalar: alias for unit pseudoscalar (default :I). pseudoscalar=nothing defines no alias.
  • allperms: include all permutations of each basis blade (e.g., define v21 as well as v12).
  • prefix: prefix for basis blades names (nothing leaves default names unchanged).

This defines 2^dimension(sig) variables with grades=:all, and more with allperms=true!


julia> @basis 3
[ Info: Defined basis blades v1, v2, v3, v12, v13, v23, v123, I in Main

julia> 1v2 + 3v12
8-component Multivector{3, 0:3, MVector{8, Int64}}:
 1 v2
 3 v12

julia> @basis "0++" prefix=:e
[ Info: Defined basis blades e1, e2, e3, e12, e13, e23, e123, I in Main

julia> @basis 2 allperms=true scalar=true pseudoscalar=nothing
[ Info: Defined basis blades v, v1, v2, v12, v21 in Main

julia> @basis (t=1,x=-1,y=-1,z=-1) grades=2 allperms=true
[ Info: Defined basis blades tx, xt, ty, yt, xy, yx, tz, zt, xz, zx, yz, zy in Main

Logic for bits and grades


Infinite iterator returning all unsigned integers of type T, in ascending order, for which Base.count_ones is n.

bits_of_grade(k[, dim])

Generate basis blade bits of grade k in ascending order. Yields all basis blades in the dimension dim, if given, otherwise iterates indefinitely.


julia> GeometricAlgebra.bits_of_grade(2, 4) .|> UInt8 .|> bitstring
6-element Vector{String}:

Return the positions of the ones in the unsigned integer bits.

Used to convert between representations of a unit basis blade. Inverse of indices_to_bits.


julia> GeometricAlgebra.bits_to_indices(0b1001101)
4-element Vector{Int64}:
componentbits(n, k)
componentbits(::Val{N}, ::Val{K})

Vector of bits corresponding to components of an n-dimensional Multivector of grade(s) k.

Bits are ordered first by grade (count_ones), then lexicographically (in ascending numerical order).

Passing Val arguments calls a faster, memoized method.


julia> componentbits(4, 2) .|> UInt8 .|> bitstring
6-element Vector{String}:

julia> componentbits(3, 0:3) .|> UInt8 .|> bitstring
8-element Vector{String}:
factor_from_squares(sig, bits::Unsigned)

Compute the overall factor arising from the geometric product between repeated basis vectors.

indices_to_bits(indices, T=UInt)

Create unsigned integer with bits at the positions given in the vector indices.

Used to convert between representations of a unit basis blade. Inverse of bits_to_indices.


Only correct if maximum(indices) does not exceed number of bits in T.


julia> GeometricAlgebra.indices_to_bits([1, 2, 5], UInt8) |> bitstring
sign_from_swaps(a::Unsigned, b::Unsigned)

Compute sign flips of blade product due to transposing basis vectors into sorted order. (The full sign of the product will also depend on the basis norms.)

getindex(a::Multivector, k)

Get the grade(s) k part of a multivector a if k ⊆ grade(a). The components of the resulting Multivector are a view into the components of a, so modifying a[k].comps changes a.

componentindices(a, k)

Indices of the components of grade(s) k in multivector a. Throws an error if k ∉ grade(a).

The grade k may be an integer (returning a range) or a collection of grades (returning a vector of indices).

grade(::AbstractMultivector{Sig}, k) -> Multivector{Sig,k}

Construct a Multivector{Sig,k} from the grade k parts of a blade or multivector. Multiple grades may be specified with a range or tuple.

The operators + and - may be used as shortcuts for the even and odd parts, respectively.

If the return type must be inferable, use grade(a, Val(k)).


julia> grade(BasisBlade{3}(42, 0b101), 2)
3-component Multivector{3, 2, MVector{3, Int64}}:
  0 v12
 42 v13
  0 v23

julia> a = Multivector{3, 0:3}(1:8);

julia> grade(a, 1)
3-component Multivector{3, 1, UnitRange{Int64}}:
 2 v1
 3 v2
 4 v3

julia> grade(a, 0:3:3)
2-component Multivector{3, 0:3:3, MVector{2, Int64}}:
 8 v123

julia> grade(a, +) # only even grades
4-component Multivector{3, 0:2:2, MVector{4, Int64}}:
 5 v12 + 6 v13 + 7 v23
promote_grades(dim, k)

Canonicalize the grade type parameter k.

Returns a subset of 0:dim, while attempting to normalize equivalent representations, such as 0:1:3 => 0:3 or (3, 0) => (0, 3).

promote_grades(dim, p, q, ...)

Return a suitable grade type parameter which contains the grades p ∪ q ∪ ....

In order to reduce the number of possible type parameters, the result may be larger than the exact union. Specifically, when combining different grades, promote_grades will try to return the narrowest grade(s) out of:

  • an integer k ∈ 0:dim for homogeneous elements (fewest components)
  • 0:dim:dim, for elements in the scalar-pseudoscalar subalgebra
  • 0:2:dim, for elements in the even subalgebra
  • 0:dim, for general inhomogeneous elements (most components)


julia> promote_grades(4, 0:4, 2, 7)

julia> promote_grades(4, 0, 2) # even multivectors are worth representing specifically

julia> promote_grades(4, 0, 3) # not worth having a specific type for grades (0, 3) in 4 dims
resulting_grades(combine, dim, p, q)

Non-zero grade(s) resulting from the application of combine on dim-dimensional multivectors of grade(s) p and q.

Display methods


Display blade with parentheses surrounding coefficient if necessary.


julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_blade(stdout, BasisBlade{(x=1,)}(1 + im, 0b1))
(1 + 1im) x
show_multivector(io, a; kwargs...)

Display multivector components in a column or inline, optionally grouping by grade.

Keyword arguments

  • inline::Bool: print on one line (default true)
  • groupgrades::Bool: visually group components by grade (default true). If inline, prints parentheses around parts of each grade; if multiline, prints each grade on its own line
  • showzeros::Bool: whether to omit zero components from display
  • indent::Integer: indentation width
  • parseable::Bool: use parseable style (used by repr) instead of human-readable style


julia> a = Multivector{2,0:2}((1:4) .^ 2);

julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_multivector(stdout, a; inline=false, groupgrades=false)
 4 v1
 9 v2
16 v12

julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_multivector(stdout, a; inline=false, groupgrades=true)
4 v1 + 9 v2
16 v12

julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_multivector(stdout, a; inline=true, groupgrades=true)
(1) + (4 v1 + 9 v2) + (16 v12)

julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_multivector(stdout, a; inline=true, groupgrades=false)
1 + 4 v1 + 9 v2 + 16 v12

julia> GeometricAlgebra.show_multivector(stdout, a; parseable=true)
Multivector{2, 0:2}([1, 4, 9, 16])

Code generation

make_symbolic(a, label)

Multivector with symbolic components of the same type as the Multivector instance or type a.

See also symbolic_components.


julia> GeometricAlgebra.make_symbolic(Multivector{3,1}, :A)
3-component Multivector{3, 1, Vector{Any}}:
 A[1] v1
 A[2] v2
 A[3] v3
symbolic_components(label::Symbol, dims::Integer...)

Create an array of symbolic values of the specified shape.

See also make_symbolic.


julia> GeometricAlgebra.symbolic_components(:a, 2, 3)
2×3 Matrix{Any}:
 a[1, 1]  a[1, 2]  a[1, 3]
 a[2, 1]  a[2, 2]  a[2, 3]

julia> prod(ans)
a[1, 1]*a[1, 2]*a[1, 3]*a[2, 1]*a[2, 2]*a[2, 3]
symbolic_multivector_eval(compstype, f, x::AbstractMultivector...)

Evaluate f(x...) using symbolically generated code, returning a Multivector with components array of type compstype.

This is a generated function which first evaluates f on symbolic versions of the multivector arguments x and then converts the symbolic result into unrolled code.

Calling symbolic_multivector_eval(Expr, compstype, f, x...) with Expr as the first argument returns the expression to be compiled.

See also @symbolic_optim.


julia> A, B = Multivector{2,1}([1, 2]), Multivector{2,1}([3, 4]);

julia> symbolic_multivector_eval(Expr, MVector, geometric_prod, A, B)
quote # prettified for readability
    let a = Multivector(args[1]).comps, b = Multivector(args[2]).comps
        comps = SymbolicUtils.Code.create_array(
            MVector, Int64, Val(1), Val((2,)),
            a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2],
            a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1],
        Multivector{2, 0:2:2}(comps)

julia> @btime symbolic_multivector_eval(MVector, geometric_prod, A, B);
  86.928 ns (3 allocations: 192 bytes)

julia> @btime geometric_prod(Val(:nosym), A, B); # opt-out of symbolic optim
  4.879 μs (30 allocations: 1.22 KiB)
use_symbolic_optim(sig) -> Bool

Whether to use symbolic optimization in algebras of metric signature sig.

By default, this is enabled if dimension(sig) ≤ 8 (in many dimensions, algebraic expressions may become too unwieldy).

@symbolic_optim <method definition>

Convert a single method definition f(args...) into two methods:

  1. The original method f(Val(:nosym), args...), called with Val(:nosym) as the first argument. This calls the original method, without any symbolic optimization.
  2. An optimized method f(args...) which calls symbolic_multivector_eval. Code for this method is generated by calling f(Val(:nosym), args...) with symbolic versions of the Multivector arguments.

This is to reduce boilerplate when writing symbolically optimized versions of each method. It only makes sense for methods with at least one AbstractMultivector argument for which the exact return type is inferable.


# This macro call...
@symbolic_optim foo(a, b) = (a + b)^2
# equivalent to the following two method definitions:

foo(::Val{:nosym}, a, b) = (a + b) ^ 2

function foo(a, b)
    if use_symbolic_optim(foo, a, b)
        symbolic_optim(foo, Val(:nosym), a, b)
        foo(Val(:nosym), a, b)
@symbolicga sig mv_grades expr [result_type]

Evaluate a symbolically optimised geometric algebra expression.

Upon macro expansion, expr is evaluated with symbolic multivectors (specified by mv_grades) in the algebra defined by metric signature sig. The resulting symbolic expression is then compiled and executed at runtime.

The mv_grades argument is a NamedTuple where keys(mv_grades) defines the identifiers in expr to be interpreted as Multivectors, while values(mv_grades) defines their respective grades. The identifiers must exist at runtime, and can be a Multivector with matching signature/grade or any iterable with the correct number of components.

If result_type is given, then the components of the resulting multivector are converted to that type. The result type T should implement T(::Tuple), e.g., Tuple or MVector.


Operations that are not amenable to symbolic evaluation (such as exp, log, sqrt, etc) are not supported.

(You may test if operations work on symbolic multivectors created with GeometricAlgebra.make_symbolic.)


julia> v = (1, 2, 0); R = exp(Multivector{3,2}([0, π/8, 0]));

julia> # Rotate a tuple (interpreted as a grade 1 vector)
       # by a rotor, returning a tuple.
       @symbolicga 3 (v=1, R=0:2:4) grade(R*v*~R, 1) Tuple
(0.7071067811865475, 2.0, -0.7071067811865476)
# This macro call...
@symbolicga 3 (a=1, b=1) a∧b
# equivalent to the following:
let a = Multivector{3, 1}(a).comps, b = Multivector{3, 1}(b).comps
    Multivector{3, 2}(MVector(
        a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1],
        a[1]*b[3] - a[3]*b[1],
        a[2]*b[3] - a[3]*b[2],


SingletonVector(el, index, length)

Efficient representation of a vector of all zeros except for the single element el at the given index.

  • 1"Algorithmic Computation of Multivector Inverses and Characteristic Polynomials in Non-degenerate Clifford Algebras", [4].