
This is a brief overview of the mathematics of geometric algebra, using GeometricAlgebra.jl to explain features along the way.

To follow along, install GeometricAlgebra.jl and load it with

julia> using GeometricAlgebra


Briefly, geometric algebra is what you get when vectors in a space are allowed to be multiplied freely,[1] with the rule that a vector $𝒖$ multiplied by itself gives its scalar dot product, $𝒖^2 = 𝒖⋅𝒖$.

What do you get when you multiply two different vectors? We can simplify expressions using the relation $𝒖^2 = 𝒖⋅𝒖$, along with the usual associativity $𝒖(𝒗𝒘) = (𝒖𝒗)𝒘$ and distributivity $(𝒖 + 𝒗)𝒘 = 𝒖𝒘 + 𝒗𝒘$, but we may still be left with irreducible products, $𝒖𝒗$. These are a new kind of object, distinct from scalars or vectors. These objects are called multivectors.

What this means becomes clearer after choosing a basis. In geometric algebras, orthonormal vectors $𝐯_1, ..., 𝐯_n ∈ V$ multiply according to the rules[2]

  • $𝐯_i^2 = 𝐯_i⋅𝐯_i$,
  • $𝐯_i𝐯_j = -𝐯_j𝐯_i$ where $i ≠ j$.

The basis vector norms $𝐯_i⋅𝐯_i$ may be $+1$, $-1$ or $0$ depending on the inner product $⋅$ on $V$. The elements $𝐯_i𝐯_j$ are bivectors (a kind of oriented plane-element), and higher grade terms $𝐯_i𝐯_j𝐯_k$ are trivectors, etc.

In code, we may obtain an orthonormal basis with basis(sig), where sig is the metric signature parameter. We may also introduce basis variables into the global namespace with the macro @basis.

julia> @basis 3[ Info: Defined basis blades v1, v2, v3, v12, v13, v23, v123, I in Main
julia> v1^2 # vector square gives its norm, a scalar (or grade 0 blade)BasisBlade{3, 0, Int64}: 1
julia> v2*v1 # orthogonal vectors anticommuteBasisBlade{3, 2, Int64}: -1 v12

Geometric algebras are also called (real) Clifford algebras and are denoted $Cl(V, ⋅)$ or $Cl(V, Q)$, where $⋅$ has the associated quadratic form $Q$.

Denote by $Cl(n)$ the algebra over $ℝ^n$ where $⋅$ is the standard Euclidean dot product. Write $Cl(p,q)$ for $V = ℝ^{p + q}$ where the inner product has $p$ orthonormal basis vectors with norm $+1$ and $q$ with norm $-1$, and $Cl(p,q,r)$ if there are an additional $r$ basis vectors which square to zero.

Formal definition

A formal construction of the geometric algebra $Cl(V, ⋅)$ over a vector space $V$ with inner product $⋅$ is as the quotient algebra $Cl(V, ⋅) ≅ V^⊗ \big/ I$. Here, the tensor algebra $V^⊗ = ℝ ⊕ V ⊕ (V ⊗ V) ⊕ ⋯$ is reduced by the ideal $I$ which identifies all elements of the form $𝒖 ⊗ 𝒖 - 𝒖⋅𝒖$ where $𝒖 ∈ V$ with zero. The result is a vector space isomorphic to the exterior algebra $∧V$ but with an algebraic product which mixes degrees.

Graded structure

Geometric algebras have a graded structure: every element has a grade $k ∈ \{0, 1, 2..., n\}$ or is a sum of elements of differing grades. As a vector space, $Cl(V, ⋅)$ is the direct sum of fixed-grade subspaces

\[Cl(V, ⋅) = ⨁_{k=0}^n ∧^n V = ℝ ⊕ V ⊕ ∧^2 V ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ ∧^n V\]

where $∧^k V$ is the $k$th exterior power of the $n$-dimensional base space $V$.

Grade zero elements ($∧^0V = ℝ$) are scalars; grade one elements ($∧^1V = V$) are vectors; and grade-$k$ elements ($∧^k V$) are called $k$-vectors or homogeneous multivectors. There are no non-zero $k$-vectors outside the range $0 ≤ k ≤ n$, so the subspace of $∧^nV$ contains the highest-grade objects, called pseudoscalars.

GradeDimension of subspaceName
$n - 1$$n$pseudovectors

Notice that subspaces of grade $k$ and $n - k$ have the same dimension. Subspaces $∧^kV$ and their “pseudo”-prefixed counterparts $∧^{n - k}V$ are associated through duality.

A $k$-vector in $n$-dimensional Euclidean space is represented as a component vector wrapped in the Multivector{n,k} type.

julia> Multivector{3,2}(rand(3))3-component Multivector{3, 2, Vector{Float64}}:
 0.9769403495844015  v12
 0.980853176793096   v13
 0.06282706944235561 v23

Elements of $Cl(V, ⋅)$ may consist of parts of differing grade, and when they do they are called (inhomogeneous) multivectors.

These are represented as a single contiguous component vector wrapped in a Multivector type where the grade parameter k is a range of grades. For example, a general 4D multivector is expressible as Multivector{4,0:4}.

If the inner product $⋅$ is non-Euclidean, the first type parameter n is replaced with a metric signature.

Grade projection

If $A ∈ Cl(V, ⋅)$ is a multivector, then denote its grade $k$ part as

\[⟨A⟩_k ∈ ∧^kV \quad\text{(grade projection)}\]

In code, grade projection is achieved with grade(A, k):

julia> A = Multivector{4,0:4}(rand(-10:10, 2^4))16-component Multivector{4, 0:4, Vector{Int64}}:
 1 v1 + -1 v2 + 2 v3 + 5 v4
 -9 v12 + 10 v23 + 7 v14 + -7 v24 + 3 v34
 3 v123 + -3 v124 + 7 v134 + -8 v234
 -9 v1234
julia> grade(A, 3)4-component Multivector{4, 3, SubArray{Int64, 1, Vector{Int64}, Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}}, true}}: 3 v123 -3 v124 7 v134 -8 v234

Blades and multivectors

A general element in a geometric algebra is called a multivector, though there is a hierarchy of specific kinds:

\[\textsf{basis blades} ⊂ \textsf{blades} ⊂ \textsf{$k$-vectors} ⊂ \textsf{multivectors}\]

However, GeomtricAlgebra.jl defines only two types: BasisBlade and Multivector.

Basis blades

Let $𝐯_1, ..., 𝐯_n$ be the standard orthonormal basis vectors with $𝐯_i⋅𝐯_i ∈ \{+1,0,-1\}$ and $𝐯_i⋅𝐯_j = 0$ for $i ≠ j$. Products of the form


where $i_1 < ⋯ < i_k$ are the standard basis blades. Reordering the product only introduces overall factors of $±1$, flipping the orientation of the blade.

Scalar multiples of basis blades are represented with the BasisBlade{Sig,K,T} type, which encodes indices $i_1, ..., i_k$ as binary-ones. (See bits_to_indices and indices_to_bits.)

julia> BasisBlade{4}(42, 0b1011)BasisBlade{4, 3, Int64}:
 42 v124

You can generate all basis blades (of a given grade) for an algebra with basis().

julia> basis(Cl(3,1), 2) # 4-dimensional Lorentzian 2-blades6-element Vector{BasisBlade{Cl(3,1), 2, Int64}}:
 1 v12
 1 v13
 1 v23
 1 v14
 1 v24
 1 v34

Basis blades are stored with canonically sorted indices. For example, $𝐯_2𝐯_1$ is represented as $-𝐯_1𝐯_2$:

julia> @basis 2 allperms=true[ Info: Defined basis blades v1, v2, v12, v21, I in Main
julia> v21BasisBlade{2, 2, Int64}: -1 v12

While this is always the way blades are represented internally, how they are displayed can be customised through a BasisDisplayStyle.

Multiplication of basis blades

Basis blades are closed under multiplication: a product of basis blades is a basis blade. (This motivates them having their own BasisBlade type.)

The geometric product of $𝐯_I ≡ 𝐯_{i_1}𝐯_{i_2}⋯𝐯_{i_p}$ and $𝐯_J ≡ 𝐯_{j_1}𝐯_{j_2}⋯𝐯_{j_q}$ can be put into canonical form it two steps:

  1. Sort the basis vectors into $𝐯_{k_1}𝐯_{k_2}⋯𝐯_{k_{p+q}}$ where $k_1 ≤ ⋯ ≤ k_{p + q}$. Each transposition of adjacent, distinct vectors results in an overall factor of $-1$.
  2. Simplify adjacent repeated vectors using the fact that $𝒗^2 = 𝒗⋅𝒗$ is a scalar.

Mathematically, this is

\[𝐯_I𝐯_J = \underbrace{\left(\sum_{k ∈ I ∩ J} 𝐯_k^2\right)}_{\text{factor from squares}} \underbrace{\operatorname{sign}(\operatorname{sortperm}(I ⊻ J))}_{\text{sign from swaps}} \; 𝐯_{I ⊻ J}\]

where $I ∩ J$ are the shared indices and $I ⊻ J$ is the symmetric difference (the indices present in only one blade). In multi-index notation, $𝐯_{I ⊻ J} ≡ 𝐯_{k_1}𝐯_{k_2}⋯𝐯_{k_m}$ where $I ⊻ J = \{k_1, ..., k_m\}$. $\operatorname{sortperm}(I)$ is the permutation that puts the indices $I$ in ascending order.

You can print a basis blade multiplication table using cayleytable:

julia> cayleytable(3) (↓) * (→) │    1 │   v1     v2    v3 │  v12    v13   v23 │ v123
         1 │    1 │   v1     v2    v3 │  v12    v13   v23 │ v123
        v1 │   v1 │    1    v12   v13 │   v2     v3  v123 │  v23
        v2 │   v2 │ -v12      1   v23 │  -v1  -v123    v3 │ -v13
        v3 │   v3 │ -v13   -v23     1 │ v123    -v1   -v2 │  v12
       v12 │  v12 │  -v2     v1  v123 │   -1   -v23   v13 │  -v3
       v13 │  v13 │  -v3  -v123    v1 │  v23     -1  -v12 │   v2
       v23 │  v23 │ v123    -v3    v2 │ -v13    v12    -1 │  -v1
      v123 │ v123 │  v23   -v13   v12 │  -v3     v2   -v1 │   -1


While a basis blade is a product of orthogonal basis vectors, the mathematical definition of a $k$-blade is a product of $k$ distinct, mutually orthogonal vectors — or equivalently, a $k$-blade is a $∧$-product of $k$ linearly independent vectors.

Not all blades are representable as basis blades in a given choice of basis. For example, in $Cl(3)$ the product $𝐯_1(𝐯_2 + 𝐯_3)$ is a blade (since $𝐯_1$ and $𝐯_2 + 𝐯_3$ are orthogonal vectors), but it is a sum of two basis blades, $𝐯_1𝐯_2 + 𝐯_1𝐯_3$.

Thus, we cannot represent all blades with the BasisBlade type. Instead, we may use the more general Multivector type:

julia> @basis 3[ Info: Defined basis blades v1, v2, v3, v12, v13, v23, v123, I in Main
julia> v1*(v2 + v3) # a blade, but not a basis blade4-component Multivector{3, 0:2:2, MVector{4, Int64}}: 1 v12 + 1 v13


A sum of $k$-blades is a $k$-vector, or homogeneous multivector. A sum of blades of differing grade is an inhomogeneous multivector. We may use terminology such as “$\{0,3\}$-vector” to mean an inhomogeneous multivector with both scalar and trivector parts.

The Multivector{Sig,K} type represents a K-vector, which may be homogeneous (if K is an integer) or inhomogeneous (if K is a collection, such as (0, 3) or 0:3). In all cases, the underlying data is stored in a single vector, while the type parameters define the interpretation.

julia> @basis 3[ Info: Defined basis blades v1, v2, v3, v12, v13, v23, v123, I in Main
julia> 4 + 7I # scalar + pseudoscalar; a (0, 3)-vector2-component Multivector{3, 0:3:3, MVector{2, Int64}}: 4 7 v123
julia> ans.comps # underlying components vector2-element MVector{2, Int64} with indices SOneTo(2): 4 7
julia> 1 + 2v1 + 3v23 # a general multivector8-component Multivector{3, 0:3, MVector{8, Int64}}: 1 2 v1 3 v23
julia> ans.comps8-element MVector{8, Int64} with indices SOneTo(8): 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 0

(Pseudo)scalars and (pseudo)vectors are always blades, but not all $k$-vectors are $k$-blades. The simplest example of a homogeneous multivector which isn’t a blade requires four dimensions: the bivector $𝐯_1𝐯_2 + 𝐯_3𝐯_4$ is not a blade since it cannot be factored as $𝒖∧𝒗$ for vectors $𝒖$ and $𝒗$.

  • 1More formally, $Cl(V, ⋅)$ is the freest unital associative algebra generated by $V$ satisfying $𝒖^2 = 𝒖⋅𝒖$ for all $𝒖 ∈ V$.
  • 2The second rule is implied by the first, which is the defining relation $𝒖^2 = 𝒖⋅𝒖$.